Blogger news

"Blogger News", huh... Well, my family has already had two cancer alerts this year. Last year we had a few as well, but two within a month? Fucking heck...


This is a webcomic based around the everyday life of me, Ian. It's actually my art project for this year, based on the theme 'gender', and so there'll be a few rudie-nudie bits, and discussion about genderqueerism and stuff... Ian is seventeen, genderqueer, pansexual,and lives in Melbourne, Australia.

27 Jan 2014

"Macho Man"

The other day, I met up with my half-sister who had not received my Christmas present in the mail by the time Christmas came around. Turns out, it was something I'd been pining over for ages! And it made me feel so, so manly.

Also, triumph - I have lost enough weight that I can wear my binder without a push-up bra underneath. However, the underbust is now much too loose, so my boobs still fall out the bottom sometimes.

My mother was not impressed with my singing.

Art notes for teacher  and anyone else interested:

I didn't spend too much time on this,because in all honesty, I just wanted to get something up on the site. I doodled everything with greylead, went over in 0.4 fineliner and a permanent marker for some of the thicker bits and the full-black segments (like the inside of the doorway). Then, I coloured everything with some shitty two-dollar-store pencils, scanned it in, and set everything up in Photoshop.